Poverty is a vicious cycle and it crosses all continental
borders. Around the world over five hundred million workers struggle to make a mere $1 USD a day or 55 pesos a day.
(International Labor Organization) That is not enough to provide food, shelter, clothing and education for a single person
let alone a family. In the desperate struggle to survive children are maimed and sent out to beg; women are forced into prostitution
by their husbands; men leave home for months at a time to travel the countryside in search of hard labor jobs to put bread
on the table. Others fortunate enough to have a parcel of land scratch out a meager existence against the odds of foul weather,
scattered internal armed conflicts, and other unforeseen problems that arise. Many of these families are abandoning their
land and migrating to the big cities in hope of work. Most often they end up in squatter shanties with hundred or thousands
of others just like them. Some pick through garbage dumps for anything they can turn into cash or eat. Some are abused by
unscrupulous city folk. Some die, leaving their children in the same situation. The cycle of poverty claims casualties
even in the Philippines where over 50 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. In tight labor markets
the unemployed have a difficult time gaining and then keeping even entry-level jobs. This is sometimes due to the lack of
basic life, relational and decision-making skills to succeed in the workforce. Without work and shrinking welfare rolls many
families find it impossible to make ends meet. They have to make painful choices: heat or food; medicine or clothes. Thousands
live on the constant verge of eviction and homelessness. Breaking out of the cycle is almost impossible unless someone helps.

Through Home & mobile Base livelihood, ECS
project steps in to give men and women needing adequate HOME employment foundational skills and tools get on the road to economic
freedom. You can give a hungry man a fish but tomorrow he will be hungry again. If you teach him how and where to fish he
has a better chance of surviving. When you also help him with fishing equipment he can probably take care of himself, his
family, and many others who come his way. The cycle is broken. :
e LIVELIHOOD & TRAINING is a home & mobile base livelihood & training center
whose mission is to bring computer to technology deprived out of school youth person with disability , pastor, leaders and
families, to train disadvantage community resident to become computer technician at the lowest possible cost or totally free
tuition fee, & subsidized /sponsored registration & miscellaneous fee and to provide environmentally responsible recycling
of end-of-life computer & electronic equipment.